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Embed screenshots to your HTML page via Integromat

Caleb David
Updated 1 year ago

Stillio allows you to embed your captured screenshots into any HTML page via Integromat. This is made possible through the use of webhooks. For example, if you have a section in your HTML page that will contain an image (coming from your Stillio account), and you want that image to auto-update after every screenshot is being captured for that given URL, this guide will walk you through that process.

⚠️ To get started, you'll need an account with Integromat and Digital Ocean Spaces. Sign up for these accounts and follow the guide below. This article also contains some technical concepts, which may require you to rope in a developer to assist.


What we want to achieve is to take every created screenshot from our Stillio account and then upload it to Digital Ocean Spaces. This way, we have our own extra layer of archive (think an extra database here). Also, if we have a section in our HTML page (say an image tag) that we want to have updated after every screenshot is created, we can fetch the most recent screenshot our the Digital Ocean Spaces account (which Stillio sends the most recent screenshots to). Our HTML (the image tag) will, in turn always have an up-to-date version of the screenshot.

⚠️ If you don't want the screenshots to be updated on your HTML page, then Digital Ocean Spaces is not needed here, you can simply add the raw deeplink of the image into your HTML page (on the image tag).

Step 1: Create a scenario and add webhooks

Click on the " Create a new Scenario" button and that should take you to a page where you can search for " Webhooks". Select it and click on "Continue".

You will end up with a page similar to this:

Click on the "?" symbol > "Webhook" > "Custom webhook". Give your webhook a name (of your choice), after which you will click the "Save" button and that will generate your unique webhook URL - to be pasted in your Stillio account settings here: https://app.stillio.com/settings#/apps like so: 

Paste below:

After pasting the copied webhook URL from Integromat and pasting it into your Stillio account, and saving it, you will need to create a new screenshot so that Integromat will know what data structure to expect while the process runs. Create a new screenshot and head back to Integromat once more. Wait for some time and then you'll end up with a screen like the one below. This means that Integromat has received the data of the last capture and now knows what to expect whenever a new screenshot is captured. We can now start manipulating the data as desired.

Step 2: Add HTTP Module

To be able to download the image from your Stillio account to Integromat, you need to add the HTTP module - to make a request for that image file. After adding the "HTTP" module and clicking the "Get a file" action, it will show a screen similar to the one below. Click the input field labeled "URL" and select "object > contentUrl" and then click on "Okay". 

Step 3: Add Digital Ocean Spaces

To use this module, you first need to create a "Space" on your Digital Ocean account. For a step-by-step guide, follow this article: Create Digital Ocean Space. After that, you can head over to Integromat and continue the setup. Select the HTTP module and add another module - this time, "DigitalOcean Spaces". 

Provide your details like in the image below:

After that, where it shows "Source file", select "Map". Clicking on the "File name" input field gives you a plethora of options, from which you will select "object > about > identifier". Append the text ".png" to it. The "Data" field can be left as is - "Data". 

Toggle on the "Show advanced settings". Under "Headers", add a new item with the following key/value pair: key= x-amz-acl and value=public-read. This is so that when files get uploaded to your Digital Ocean Space, they will be become public, hence be accessible from your HTML page.

Step 4: Add an Error handler

We need to tell Integromat to continue running the process even if an error occurs, this way, errors will not crash the entire process. To do that, right-click on the HTTP module and then click the " Add error handler" option. Select "Ignore" from the list of directives. Now the error handler is properly set up and the process should not crash even if an error occurs.

By now, you should have a setup similar to the one below. Save the scenario and turn it on. You can also run it once to see how it works first before enabling it. 

Step 5: Embedding the script into your HTML page


Paste the following snippet on JS code at the bottom of your HTML page (right before the </body> tag). You can also inject the piece of code into any platform that allows Javascript code injection.

 <script> $(document).ready(function() { let container = document.querySelector('div[data-stillio]') let imgSource = container.getAttribute('data-stillio') 

 let imgTag = document.createElement('img')

 let utc = new Date().getTime(); let newSource = `${imgSource}?${utc}` 

 imgTag.src = newSource imgTag.srcset = newSource imgTag.currentSrc = newSource 

 container.appendChild(imgTag) }); </script> 


To embed the screenshot into any HTML page, just add the following line of code

 <div data-stillio="https://{your-bucket-name}.{bucket-location}.digitaloceanspaces.com/{url-id}.png"></div> 

You can obtain the url-id from your Stillio account like so:

Congratulations! 🎉 Now whenever you refresh your HTML page, you are always going to get an up-to-date version of the screenshot for the specified URL.

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