⚠️ Note: This article may involve some security concerns - so please use it at your own risk.
The example used here is for Instagram ( https://www.instagram.com), but practically, it can be employed to serve any other website of choice. Say you want to capture your Instagram profile page, we will demonstrate how to go about doing that
Step 1:
"Right-click" anywhere on the page and click the "Inspect" option.
Step 2:
Click "Application" and then the "Cookies" tab. From the list of sites displayed, select your desired website (in our case here, https://www.instagram.com). Now, this is where you might have to do some trial and error in getting the relevant cookie(s). For the sake of this guide, we already know upfront (after testing different cookie names available there) that the cookie responsible for storing the user's authentication state is the "sessionid". Copy the value matching this field.
Step 3:
After copying the cookie(s) value, head over to your dashboard on Stillio and add the webpage (being https://www.instagram.com in our case here), but only this time, turning on the expert mode option and pasting the copied cookie value into the "Cookie" field like so:
⚠️ Note: You can only add a maximum number of 4 cookies at a time. You should also check your screenshots regularly to ensure that the cookies have not expired. If you notice a login page wall on any of your screenshots after some time, it's a good time to repeat the whole process once more 😅.
Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully removed the login page wall by using cookies.