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Use Stillio API to fetch screenshots and URLs

Steve J.
Updated 1 year ago

Stillio provides an API to access your URLs and screenshots. This allows you to get image deep links to be able to embed them in your own application(s).

Note 1: Using the API requires technical knowledge and programming skills. We do not provide support to your own applications that make use of our API.
Note 2: The API is designed for server-to-server calls only and does not support browser/client side calls. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is not possible.
Note 3: Currently it only possible to fetch URLs and screenshots. Other actions to manage your data (add, edit and delete) might be added later but are not yet supported.

Steps to take to make use of our API:

  1. Create a private token
  2. Use the token to fetch your data

Create a private token

You need a private token to authenticate yourself to our API. This token needs to be added to each API request, to validate access to your data. To create a token you need to:

  1. Go to API in your settings

2. Choose a Token Name for your own reference. You may create multiple tokens, so they should help you identify which is which. The Token itself will be shown after you click Create.

3. Click Create
Important: The token will only be shown once, so be sure to copy and store it safely. For obvious reasons, our token in the example image is pixelated:-

4. After closing the window you see your token by its chosen name. You may change the name or delete the token to disable it. Remember that you can always create a new one if you like.

Use token to fetch your data

Now that you have an API token, you may use that to access your screenshots and URLs outside the main Stillio app. For example, you can create your own webpage and embed the screenshots that have been created by Stillio. 

Current API version (v3)

The current API version is version 3. Please check our Stillio API v3 documentation.

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