⚠️The information on this page refers mainly to (legacy) plans with metered billing.
The price per screenshot depends on your total number of screenshots being taken in the past month. See http://www.stillio.com/pricing for pricing details.
How does Stillio charge?
If your plan has metered billing, each month you're charged for your monthly subscription fee plus the metered billing price for the total number of screenshots being taken in the previous month.
So each month you'll see 2 charges on your invoice:
- One for the monthly fee for the upcoming month and
- One for the number of screenshots being taken in the past month that exceeded the number of monthly screenshots in your plan.
Payment options
Stillio accepts credit cards and all payments will be processed by Stripe.com. Stillio itself does not store any financial data of you and your credit card in our database, this is all and only securely processed by Stripe. Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and has in turn been certified as a PCI Level 1 Service Provider, the most stringent level of certification available.
At the moment we can only accept credit cards and prepaid debit cards. Other payment options (like Paypal, bitcoin, bank transfers, SEPA) might be added in the future but are currently not available.
Prepaid debit cards limitations
⚠️Though prepaid debit cards can be used for any subscription, overuse is only allowed for credit cards. So when using a debit card, it may be possible that your capture scheduling gets interrupted when you have reached the monthly screenshots that are included in your plan. If you don't want your account getting paused, upgrade to a larger plan or add a credit card to your account.
You can manage your billing information from the subscription page:
* Plus VAT if applicable (EU customers only)